[admin post] Warning to all

Hello all, we've recently chanced upon blogshops who have been copying snippets of things off our blog. Although we have tried to bear with it and decide not to care about it at first, we feel that it has become a very serious issue that we have to share with everyone. If you think you can copy our information, you are wrong, please do some research on copyright issues.

- Graphics and other multimedia on a site are also protected by a copyright, unless they are clearly marked as public domain.
- Source code for a web page is copyright protected. Just because you CAN copy it, doesn't mean that you SHOULD copy it. Doing so would constitute a copyright violation.

(from here)
Every word, every image, every html code you see on the blog was painfully typed, thought, and sourced by ourselves. It does not matter to you to copy because all it took was some highlighting and copying. A few clicks on the mouse, a few keystrokes. For us, it took hours. If you think it is so easy to produce such work, please just do it yourself.

Did we clearly mark our content as public domain? No. Did you copy it? Yes. What are you trying to tell us? That we should have expected it, that we should have disabled the right-click AND highlight functions from the very start and bring inconvenience to all of our customers? That this is how life works, that it was due to our carelessness and unluckiness?

Here is the evidence as collated so far:

(The "Guest" actually Admin 1 who tagged it give them a chance to remove the content. Look below to see what I think about the "I do noe that one of the owner of that blogshop")

The people who copied our content are mostly Admin 1's "friends". If you wish to know the details, the blog was edited by Admin 3, the images that belongs to us produced by Admin 2 (we never claimed credit for all the images found on our net; only our banners and certain images. For images of products, they belong to our supplier but we have permission from them/they are sourced from Google Images), the terms & conditions, order form, questions & answers - or anything wordy, really - were thought and typed out by Admin 3 (yes, so this is Admin 3). Admin 1 is mainly, as stated on our Q&A, in charge of enquiries via Twitter/e-mail, advertising and meetups. EVEN IF she is your friend, she would not be able to give you permission to distribute the content elsewhere because technically they weren't produced by her. Which, by the way, she didn't give because they never asked in the first place.

If you think about it, are friends supposed to act this way? Besides, they aren't close to each other either. In this context, what are friends for? For each other to make use of?

You guys weren't the ones dedicating time to the blog and putting in effort to make the blog look good. You don't know how frustrating and disappointing it is that people do not respect your rights and just rip things off and not removing them despite you informing them. Put yourselves in our shoes - is it nice to have someone copying you?

Their details on the screenshots shall not be removed unless the blog owners themselves have removed everything they've taken from our blog. THIS DECISION IS FINAL, and will serve as a warning to all the consequences of copying us without permission.

On a side note, check out our links under our "Disclaimer" column! ^^ To prevent copycats, we have merged the text onto photos and put credits on them. We have, sadly, also disabled the right-click function. A really huge apology to all customers who find this of much inconvenience to them, but please understand that we need to do something to stop the copycats too.

If you see anyone who have been copying the content off our blog, please inform us immediately and we'll look into it to see if they have permission from us to use it.

For everyone who look up to us and wish to have your blog look like ours, we appreciate it and are pleased that we are worthy of it, but please just think of your own content instead of copying us. That way, someone else would look up to you instead! To clear things up:

1. We will allow people who take supply from us to take ONLY the photos and details
2. Photos and details DO NOT include our Q&A, Terms and Conditions, Introduction, etc
3. NO ONE will be able to take our Q&A, Terms and Conditions, Introduction, etc regardless who you are. By etc, I mean ALL the content on our blog and as for "regardless who you are", I mean everyone but US.
4. Go get some originality.

If you decide to ignore this post and copy us anyway, we will definitely post screenshots up once we find out.

P.S. To those who think I was too harsh, I apologize, but I beg to differ. After painstakingly thinking and typing out everything for hours only to have people copy the stuff off within 5 minutes? Nope. But of course, I'm speaking as an individual and not for all the admins of Stopstayshop. Please do not fault the shop, thank you!

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